B27 Bottom Plow Pose Mod (Preview)
B27 Bottom Plow Pose Mod (Preview)
This is a mod I made of Wogworgrs original JDN 13ya Bottomplower animation. It was part of a series of poses to use together but I wanted this particular one to use by itself, but with more animation to it. So I added head rotation and expressions to the male and the female, which were stationary in the original, and I made her take her right hand off her ankle and move it on the floor while slightly twisting and trying to look behind her when his speed picks up a bit. The original pose had both hands on her ankles at all times, so I thought this would make it more lively. I made this a long time ago but forgot to upload it after I had shown it in my Wet Dream video 3 years ago with some other poses I had modded or made myself. I hope you like this version. @wogworgr, 's original pose will be linked in the comments, and my version is in the videos references.Item statistics
- Type: movie
- Set: Movies/Pose previews/Music Videos/Sequencer
- Visibility: Public
- Created: 1 year ago
- Modified: 3 months ago
- tags: pose, preview, mod, music, video, briar27, #milfmonday
- ID: 9707618
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