The Rescue - part four

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The Rescue - part four

This movie stands on it's own, you really don't need to have seen the earlier parts since you get the full picture in the first ten minutes. But anyway: While Lord Will was at the opera with the girls, Briar and Frank exempted Musta (who lost a severe amount of blood) from Dr Cummings captivity and took him to Briars private suite at the club. That after Frank got important information from Mustas uncle Ben and the crucial piece from the police woman Mindy, who he though had to fuck first before she'd tell him. The ending scenes in this movie was ment to be the first ones in part five, since they're pointing towards what's going to happen afterwards. But I had to split somewhere and this was best. It completes the (almost full) recovery of Musta and you get a hint of future events. Part five will be a kind of "epilogue", but it also stands on it's own.
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