Luna Borland

Luna Borland

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: France
  • Age: 20
  • Sign: Scorpio
  • Occupation: actor
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: independent
  • Base model: Josie
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Sociopath, vampire, actress, model. Star of Vampires of London and Deadly Blessing. Whatever you do, try not to stare at her.
Max_33 Level 153 Offline
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Lasting hold with no sticky residue


Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: Models
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 414
  • Created: 1 decade ago
  • Modified: 3 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: model, vampire, max, luna
  • ID: 636088
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