Petra Rabbitt

Petra Rabbitt

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Hetro
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 22
  • Sign: Taurus
  • Occupation: college student
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: mediator
  • Base model: Dee
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Petra Rabbitt is a college student living in Seattle, Washington. Yes, her name is Petra Rabbitt. Her parents had a wicked sense of humour. For years she hated her name, as she was teased about it all through school. And really, can you blame her? Would YOU want to have a sort of feminine version of Peter Rabbit? Probably not. As Petra's gotten older though, she's gotten more comfortable with her name. Plus, she knows that if/when she gets married, she can change her surname to whatever her husband's is. This Easter, however, she's decided to just go for it, and embrace her inner bunny-girl.
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Item statistics

  • Type: model
  • Set: Public
  • Visibility: Public
  • Downloads: 24
  • Created: 5 years ago
  • Modified: 5 years ago
  • Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
  • tags: dee, park, pink, ears, easter, rabbit
  • ID: 4604593
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