

IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS: 1. You need the importer pack to use this room 2. You have to switch off the bed in the middle on your own. Here's a link to a tutorial: http://help.thrixxx.com/doku.php?id=de:greenscreen&s[]=screen ... In the room folder you will find a picture which is called White_Background. Go to C:\Users\"Your_user_name"\AppData\Roaming\thriXXX\3DSexVilla2-Everlust\Mod\ActiveMod\DD_Photostudio_Sports_car.zip and copy the "White_Background" picture. Paste it into your screenshot folder C:\Users\"Your_user_name"\AppData\Roaming\thriXXX\3DSexVilla2-Everlust\Screenshots .. Follow the instructions of the tutorial (it's very simple) and use the White_Background picture. 3. In the room folder (second link) also is a picture which is called "Sports_Car_Color". You can open this picture and change the color with paint/photoshop and so on - just save it there again as a png file with the same name -> this is very simple and will change the colour of the car after reloading the room (normal colour is white). Well that's it - I might improve this room over time so this is my first version :) Have fun.

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DreamDancing Level 182 Offline |
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And when I die just keep in mind - I'll love you in another life, I'll love you in another time ❤️❤️


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