Amahle Joy
Amahle Joy
- Gender: Female
- Orientation: Bi Sexual
- Nationality: United States
- Age: 19
- Sign: Libra
- Occupation: athlete
- Relationship: single
- Personality: competitor
- Base model: Sugar
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Amahle Joy is the older sister of Pepita. They are Peppers young cousins. Amahle is living at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. She is a Cyclist and Distance Runner. She hopes to one day win the Olympic Gold, for the U.S. in the Summer Olympics. Necklace: ve_jewelry_devil_heart, Top: outrageous pack, Skirt: Cheerleader Skirt, Shoes: Running Shoes. She wears neither bra nor panty. When using her, Please use tag #PeppersGirls that I may be able to see her adventures. Thank You,?
Item statistics
- Type: model
- Set: Story Models DL's
- Visibility: Public
- Downloads: 91
- Created: 7 years ago
- Modified: 5 years ago
- Compatible games: 3DSexVilla2
- tags: athelete, pepperjoy, amahlejoy, peppersgirls
- ID: 3221949
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